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What Is The Importance of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH)?

Source form Unsplash by wind_knight

ICH can promote social and economic benefits and give a unique selling point to the local cultural heritage, creating positive socio-economic impacts for the community and sustainable development of cultural heritage. In addition, local cultural heritage can cultivate and empower the sense of belonging to the local community, and it is essential for tourism development and community practice.

The values perceived in ICH, the inside values for practitioners themselves, and traditional craftsmanship create the personal realisation, such as talents, interests, goals, and economic matters, such as income, livelihood, enterprise, and the creativity of the handicraft craftsman. Next, the values between the handicraft craftsman and the audiences can bring acceptance, appreciation, trust, and cultural dissemination from the traditional handicraft, besides the ethnic identity and pride between the handicraft craftsman and the community.

The inside of the ICH creates the historical, traditional values from the ICH practices and the importance of art, creativity, uniqueness, ethnicity, and quality from the products with cultural heritage. The result that communicates the ICH value is dynamic, contingent, and developing from subjective authenticity through at least two different community and tourism development practices. The development speed of exhibition art accelerated continuously. It highlights the function of traditional arts and crafts elements. .traditional arts and crafts cannot ignore the significance and value of traditional arts and crafts in modern industrial design.

Source form Unsplash by wind_knight


Su, J., 2018. Conceptualising the subjective authenticity of intangible cultural heritage [online]. International journal of heritage studies, 24(9), pp.919–937. Available at:

Wang, Z., 2017. Analysis on application of traditional arts and crafts in exhibition design [online]. Open journal of social sciences, 05(04), pp.85–89. Available at:

Wei, Y., Liu, H., Park, K.-S., 2021. Examining the structural relationships among heritage proximity, perceived impacts, attitude and residents’ support in Intangible Cultural Heritage tourism [online]. Sustainability, 13(15), p.8358. Available at:

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